During her high school career, she took part in many eisteddfods and was also a member of the school choir. While completing her degree in BSc Sport Science, she took part in University Sêr, which she thoroughly enjoyed. She currently lives in Somerset West and teaches Life Sciences and Life Orientation at Parel Vallei High School. She also coaches the first team netball and assists in coaching Parel Vallei’s Acapella group. In her free time she is a member of the Libertas Choir and performs on stages across the Western Cape.
Nicoline is an adventurous soul who appreciates the outdoors and enjoys new challenges. She is an avid surfer and enjoys rock climbing, camping and travelling the world. She believes that in order to really live, you have to experience.... And The Playhouse stage fulfils just that!
Annie Get Your Gun
The Sound of Music (upcoming 2021)
& Accolades
2018 HHDS Best Actress in a Musical